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Why Braintonic?

Brain tonic foods are basically the ones that boost and improve your memory ,thinking capacities and also intellectual thinking ,IQ.

There are two types of cells in the brain .

One is the neuroglia cells which divide and grow after months and get renewed, but there is another type of cell called neuron which is the main functional unit of brain and helps in conduction of signals across the brain and various other parts of the doesn’t grow and divide like neuroglia does

The neuroglia supports and nourishes the neuron cells .

As the age advances these neurons get extinct but they don’t have nay capacity to grow so the cell number is decreasing .

To improve and delay the atrophy of these cells , we need to consume the brain tonic food items which help in the retaining memory capacity with age advancement .

The brain tonics are usually the dry fruits like almonds, walnuts which are brain shaped and actually meant for enhancing the brain activity .

They contain in them the nitric oxide which is required by the brain.

It is said breathe deeply at the time of situation where you got to plan or make any decision or make the ultimate use of the brain. It is said well because the brain consumes almost twenty percent of the body’s oxygen .

The brain requires oxygen ,blood sugar, blood nutrients to facilitate the thinking , learning , and other actions. High cholesterol may also reduce the brain activity.