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Our immune system is like the defense force of the body, which protects it from external toxins, chemicals, bacteria, and viruses as well as fights back and protects us from any trouble that brews within. Immunity is the resistance power of your body that helps your body fight against numerous infections or pathogens.

Passive immunity can occur naturally, when maternal antibodies are transferred to the foetus through the placenta, and can also be induced artificially, when high levels of human (or horse) antibodies specific for a pathogen or toxin are transferred to non-immune individuals.

Adaptive immunity works slower than innate, and is more specific. There are two types: passive and active. Passive immunity occurs when antibodies are passed from one person to another, as through transfusion for example. The active immunity involves two types of white blood cells - T-cells and B-cells.

Our immune system is like the defense force of the body, which protects it from external toxins, chemicals, bacteria, and viruses as well as fights back and protects us from any trouble that brews within. Immunity is the resistance power of your body that helps your body fight against numerous infections or pathogens.


Garlic has tremendous immunity boosting powers. Loaded with Sulphur compounds such as Allicin, which help in boosting immunity, it helps prevent the oxidation of cholesterol. Moreover, it increases the potency of macrophages (natural killer cells). Furthermore, many of our common kitchen herbs and spices such as fennel, turmeric, ginger, chilies, cloves, and cinnamon work wonders against infections.


Onions are rich in quercetin, a nutrient that breaks up the mucus in your head and chest. Moreover, quercetin helps boost your immune system. Further, onions contain Allicin, which slows down the breeding process of a number of viruses and bacteria by killing them. Owing to the pungency of onions, your blood circulation increases, making you sweat. This helps immensely in preventing infections during cold weather while making you sweat during a bout of cold or flu.

Green leafy veggies

Green leafy veggies such as cabbage, spinach, and broccoli are nice sources of vitamins A, C, and E. Further, these are rich sources of folate, antioxidants, and fiber. The antioxidant property of these vitamins helps in functioning of the cells, their integrity, and development.

Vitamin C & E enriched foods

Vitamin C, the ultimate immune booster is found in many foods other than citrus foods like chilies, guava, tomato, and melons. It increases the production of infection fighting white blood cells and cell surface coating interferon which prevents entry of viruses. The key defender against free radical attack, vitamin E, revs up the infection fighting ability, and body’s protective mechanisms against infection attack. It prevents premature aging and clogging of arteries thereby arresting the progression of heart disease and stroke. Foods such as almonds, peanuts, vegetable oils, and cashew nuts are rich sources.