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A vision was born, which would eventually stand out as a name synonymous with love and joy. Starting off with peace and love, JBSF is dedicated to Supreme Lord Jagannatha Baladeva (Balarama), and Subhadra.

JBSF is JBSFOODS a name synonymous with millions of devotees of lord Krishna. We wonder why Lord Krishna lived thousands of years. This is due to food for lord Krishna used to have and its health benefits we discovered now. BE VEGETARIAN AND LIVE HEALTHY LIFE.

Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are the Instructors of humankind, more precisely of those human beings, who seek the practical realization. They are the ambassadors of the Practical Wisdom.

Practical Wisdom about the life of humankind and the spiritual realization of human beings is eternal. By other words, it will be the same also in the next cosmic cycle with its next human civilizations if considering in the contexts of the teachings.

Thus, we can answer the question in three ways:

While the Practical Wisdom presented by both Lord Rama and Lord Krishna is eternal,

1.We can say that Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are eternal (spending the time with each humankind of each cosmic cicle).

2.Lord Rama and Lord Krisha live in our time of existence of humankind on this Earth from the moment of coming of humankind on the scene of the universe until the last moment of existence of humankind on the scene of our universe.

3.Lord Rama and Lord Krishna live with us from the moment they were mentioned for the first time in the oral traditions or scriptures.

Jagannath Puri is one of the Char dhams. The Jagannath Puri temple located in Puri, Odisha is dedicated to Lord Jagannath. The name Jagannath is a combination of two words "Jagat" means Universe "Nath" meaning "Lord" and hence it means "Lord of the Universe". Lord Jagannath is believed to be a manifestation of Lord Vishnu. The main deities of the temple are Lord Jagannatha, his elder borther Balabhadra and his younger sister Subhadra. The image of Jagannath (of black colour representing sunya) Subhadra (the creative energy) and Balabhadra (of white colour representing phenomenol universe) have evolved from Nilamadhava of the ancient Kalinga Jaina.

The temple is famous for its annual "Rath yatra" or "chariot festival" in which the three main deities of the temple are placed on vast and highly decorated temple cars. iIt is belived that by seeing Lord on the Chariot on the Rathayatra day, one is able to attain salvation and get free from the cycles of birth and death.

Lord Jagannath is popularly known as "Darubrahma" literally meaning "the Godhead manifestation in a modern image" among the people. The temple of Jagnnath is built in the Kalinga style of architecture, with the Panchratha (Five chariots) type consisting of two anurathas, two konakas and one ratha. The temple is the mystery of 12th century A.D.