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Why water?

Water is one of the most important constituent of our body and constitutes about two third of the weight of our body. All the fluids present in our body is composed of water.

Water is consumed everyday by the body . Drinking, sanitation, and hygiene needs constitute the basic human survival needs for water.

Without water, we would die in a few days.

Water is important to the mechanics of the human body. The body cannot work without it, just as a car cannot run without gas and oil. In fact, all the cell and organ functions that make up our entire anatomy and physiology depend on water for their functioning.

Water serves as a lubricant in digestion and almost all other body processes. The water in our saliva helps facilitate chewing and swallowing, ensuring that food will slide easily down the esophagus.

Water also lubricates our joints and cartilages

"I'm dying of thirst!"

You might say this phrase in a desert or when your working under the sun for long period of time .

Our bodies can control over-heating through perspiration from sweat glands in the skin and from evaporation which produces a cooling effect. It helps in homeostasis that is maintaining the internal environment constant.

The movement of water within our cellular systems also transports vital blood plasma which is 92% made of water. Blood plasma play a critical role in buffering the body’s pH, circulating antibodies from the immune system, and regulating osmotic balance which all helps to maintain proper body temperature.

Drinking clean, pure water is a way to get back to health

To stay healthy, humans must maintain water balance, which means that water losses must be made up for by water intake.